Monday, March 1, 2010


Although I wasn't able to fully participate in the outdoor activities, I believe that I received the same sense of empowerment and community building that everyone else did. I was able to participate in the most of the indoor events, which really helped me get to know new people, catch up with some friends I hadn't seen in awhile, and even re-discover myself. It really helps to be around people that have the same goals that you do! I was truly inspired by the testimonials from the students that participated in Dissertation House. They all offered great advice to those of us coming behind them, and reminded me of my dream of being Dr. Davis!

Overall I think that this retreat was just what I needed to keep me motivated and conquering the challenges that this semester has to offer. I am already looking forward to next year's retreat!

Thank you PROMISE!

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PROMISE Community Building - A Place for Graduate Students.

PROMISE: Maryland's Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) seeks to increase the numbers and diversity of Ph.D.s in the STEM fields by building community and supporting graduate students from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. Here, we salute the spirit of PROMISE!
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