Retreat Facilitators

Our Outward Bound Professionally trained LEAD FACILITATOR for the PROMISE Retreats is Craig Imler. Craig works with Terra Trax Teambuilding out of Arizona.
About Craig Imler: (Lead Facilitator) 

Former Marketing Director of Professional Development Programs for Outward Bound (14 years of experience)

Education & Training: Southern Illinois University (B.S.), Harvard University (Master's Degree - School Improvement and Organizational Development), Michigan State University (Doctoral work)

Developed professional training for:
The World Bank; U. of Maryland Executive Development Programs, Project Management College, and other training organizations;
Corporations: Marriott, Lockheed Martin, Black & Decker, State Farm, Xerox, AOL, Mobil, Wachovia, Vanguard, Securitas Capital, Wyeth, Martin Guitar, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, and others.

Created the largest corporate training center for Outward Bound nationally.

Worked with:
- Baltimore Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound
- Harvard-Outward Bound Project, Cambridge, Mass.
- Hurricane Island Outward Bound School

*Facilitated group effectiveness, communication skills, and taught sailing, seamanship, rock climbing,
ropes courses, and outdoor skills.

DIVEMASTER, Smithsonian Institution/Harbor Branch Marine Foundation; Supervised all research diving activities in blue holes and caverns to study deep-water marine algae in joint expedition to Belize.

Other members of the team include: Gary Tublin, Lynne Lindsey, Jodey Dance, Daryl Pollard, Eric Johnson, and Lisa Harper. Many of these outdoor skills professionals have worked with PROMISE during past retreats. 


Team for the "Life is an Adventure" Interactive Action Learning Activity at the 2011 PROMISE
  • Craig Imler
  • Darryl Pollard
  • Lisa Harper
  • Glenn Slattery
  • Lynne Lindsey
  • Paula Cheatwood
  • Dan Ashe

PROMISE Community Building - A Place for Graduate Students.

PROMISE: Maryland's Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) seeks to increase the numbers and diversity of Ph.D.s in the STEM fields by building community and supporting graduate students from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. Here, we salute the spirit of PROMISE!
Click one of the tabs at the top: "Home" to see the main blog site with all posts, "Retreats" to see more information about the Community Building Retreats for grad students, and "PROMISE Videos" to see some videos from the PROMISEagep YouTube Channel. Other topics and pages will be added as the blog site grows.