Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Joy of Learning

Rocky Gap was nothing short of amazing from start to finish. Not only was the retreat just good ol' fun, this retreat also brought out the kid in me. Do you remember being a child and when you did something that was great, you couldn't wait to go home to show/tell someone? That was the feeling I had at this retreat. As soon as I got a moment, I ran back to my room to call my parents to tell them all the cool things I had experienced.

While the excitement of the program is worth mentioning, excitement always fades but a life lesson stays with a person forever. My Rocky Gap life lesson was simply learning is fun and learning is a choice. Sometimes we all get so tired of reading, writing, researching, studying etc. As a result, we try to breeze though our program and adopt a "get it done" attitude without enjoying the process of learning. Or we may get frustrated which also takes away from the joy of learning. Just as acquiring a new skill can be a challenge, mastering that same skill provides a sense of accomplishment. We do have a choice, we can get mad at the process and dread every moment, or we can relish in the joy associated with learning as well as the power of accomplishment.

Thanks to everyone who in one way or another made this retreat special. I hope to see you at future events.

Danielle Jolly

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PROMISE Community Building - A Place for Graduate Students.

PROMISE: Maryland's Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) seeks to increase the numbers and diversity of Ph.D.s in the STEM fields by building community and supporting graduate students from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. Here, we salute the spirit of PROMISE!
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