Thursday, December 3, 2009

The PROMISE Network

Whether it is on this blog or on Facebook, I just wanted to say I grateful I am to my PROMISE network for motivating and encouraging me to stay the course. To my friends that have recently defended or about to defend (a shout out to L. Kee and MC Unal)you are an inspiration!


Anjali said...

I am very appreciative of every thing Promise does for UMBC students. I've learned a lot about writing for classes, funding applications, and publications. I've learned how to understand what teachers and faculty expect from me, and how to deliver that in a timely manor. Most of all though, I've learned how to be a member of this wonderful community. Without promise I wouldn't have the network so necessary for when times are tough; for when events are worth celebrating. Without Promise, I'm not sure I would have all of the love I have for UMBC.

Anjali said...

Please keep Promise at UMBC.

Russell Jones said...

I am so grateful for PROMISE. The information I recieve and the support I feel is invaluable.

Anonymous said...

Promise is an amazing program. It has been integral to the success of so many students. Promise is the MAJOR advocate of Project PHD completion. Cutting Promise would be cutting the lifeline to so many students in the University of Maryland System. Please don't cut our life line and further decrease our retention rates.

Anonymous said...

My Promise family has been an invaluable source of support and friendship for me in my two years as a student at the University of Maryland, College Park. From the Summer Success Institute to the Fall Harvest, Thanksgiving Dinner and the many Spring activities, Promise is there every step of the way. Thank you Dr. Tull and the Promise staff for your tireless work and leadership. To my promise friends, thank you as well.

- Andre Vincent

Anonymous said...

Promise has helped me stay involved within the world of academia. As a "nontraditional" UMBC student working full time in DC while studying part time to earn my doctorate, I have on several occasions looked forward to the many email announcements posted by Promise coordinators. Information on up-coming workshops, symposiums, and group events for those grinding away on their research and in need of academic and moral support is also important for part-time students like me who wish to be "in the loop" within academia. In addition, Promise offers resources for those students who plan on teaching in higher education. And isn't that one of the main missions of Promise---preparing possible, future educators and researchers for higher learning as the baby boomers begin retiring and passing on the torch for the next generation? With that said, I believe the purpose of Promise goes beyond just workshops and group meetings, all of which are necessary to help students navigate their way through the protocol of academia. The program's benefits will reveal themselves mostly in the long term, as former Promise students enter the workforce and bring with them the values, mission, and academic stewardship that the program has so efficiently instilled within them. That's a worthy investment in and of itself.
- Cheryl Harris

DrMike said...

The Promise Program plays a vital role at UMBC as it helps students matriculate through the graduate school experience. During my tenure at UMBC, Promise was a resource that significantly contributed to my completion of the Ph.D. program. Among its many attributes, Promise provided a source of support on several levels (educational and psychological). I want to say thank you to all the faculty, staff, and students who were so supportive during my years at UMBC. It is my hope that the Promise Program continues well into the future so that other students can take advantage of the great things it has to offer.
-M. Harrington

arundhathi said...

PROMISE is a really good program that helps graduate students to connect with each other and also to learn new skills and develop them so as to make the most of their years in graduate school while establishing their identity for a wonderful career after graduation. I love attending the PROMISE events because they help me to deal with grad school better and because they are fun to attend too.

PROMISE Community Building - A Place for Graduate Students.

PROMISE: Maryland's Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) seeks to increase the numbers and diversity of Ph.D.s in the STEM fields by building community and supporting graduate students from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. Here, we salute the spirit of PROMISE!
Click one of the tabs at the top: "Home" to see the main blog site with all posts, "Retreats" to see more information about the Community Building Retreats for grad students, and "PROMISE Videos" to see some videos from the PROMISEagep YouTube Channel. Other topics and pages will be added as the blog site grows.