Where are all the bears!!

Come on! Bears! Let's post pictures!
Actually I borrowed those pictures on facebook from Veronica. Hope you don't mind. :) Miss you guys! And the funniest Mr. D!!
PROMISE Community Building - A Place for Graduate Students.
PROMISE: Maryland's Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) seeks to increase the numbers and diversity of Ph.D.s in the STEM fields by building community and supporting graduate students from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. Here, we salute the spirit of PROMISE!
Click one of the tabs at the top: "Home" to see the main blog site with all posts, "Retreats" to see more information about the Community Building Retreats for grad students, and "PROMISE Videos" to see some videos from the PROMISEagep YouTube Channel. Other topics and pages will be added as the blog site grows.
1 comment:
Real success comes in small portions day by day. You need to take pleasure in life's daily little treasures. It is the most important thing in measuring success.
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