Thursday, April 30, 2009

Approaching My Proposal Defense Date!

I can't tell you how much the Rocky Gap retreat meant to me. My dissertation proposal defense is June 2 and I'm actually looking forward to it. I chose the dissertation house option at Rocky Gap. Just being in an isolated spot, having time, and having people that actually cared (and helped) my progress provided the push that I needed. When you're there, you feel like, "I can't believe that people care enough to do this for me!" And all of the other students are so supportive. I now have a "writing buddy." We haven't worked together on a regular basis, but when we do, we're really productive. I never would have thought of a writing buddy on my own. Also, the "15 minutes a day" commitment has totally changed my work habits. It is rare that I don't do something productive each day. It also keeps me focused -- no long gaps between the times that I work on my paper. Thank you so much!

1 comment:

Dissertation Proposal said...

Whenever i see the post like your's i feel that there are still helpful people who share information for the help of

others, it must be helpful for other's. thanx and good job.
Dissertation Proposal

PROMISE Community Building - A Place for Graduate Students.

PROMISE: Maryland's Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) seeks to increase the numbers and diversity of Ph.D.s in the STEM fields by building community and supporting graduate students from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. Here, we salute the spirit of PROMISE!
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